Monday, November 20, 2006


So, it has been brought to my attention by a loyal reader that the bulk of my blog is made up of rants about incompetant nurses. I have vowed to change in the past, but sometimes the circumstances force me to recant. I shall henceforth attempt to balance every humorous anecdote about a bumbling co-worker with a heartwarming tale of medical tenderness.
In the interest of ceasing my meta-blogging, I will return to the original premise of this blog, my premed life. I urge you all to use to follow how my application process is going, my profile is pretty easily found using the search functions. For those who are too lazy to do so, here is the process as it now stands:

University of Vermont

George Washington (snail mail 11/20)
Northwestern University Feinberg SOM
Indiana University
Boston University

Albany Medical College

Remaining applications:
Loma Linda
Dartmouth (C'mon Dirtmouth!!)
St. Louis U
Penn State
Rush University
Medical College of Wisconsin

Of those applications still outstanding, I expect interviews at OHSU and hope for one at Loma Linda and McGill. Of course any of the remaining schools would be great as well, but I think realistically those are my best options.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Jerk Nurse

So, I won't name names, but Nurse M. from PCU is a schmuck! I can't stand this woman! She embodies incompetence! She was rude and inconsiderate both to me, her coworker and to the patient. I ask you this. After a patient finishes puking up his guts into an emesis basin, do you think he wants to think about eating more? No. Why offer him something? Perhaps he absolutely needed to have something in his stomach, and I don't know those mitigating circumstances. I've had run-ins with M before. She tried to do capillary blood glucose test from a patient's earlobe. Ok, but the protocols explicitly state that under NO circumstances is this to be done! Finger ONLY! Since the earlobe wasn't working, where should you turn to get blood. From the fingertip like you should? NO!, but from the forearm! Yes, there are plenty of veins and arteries in the arm. This, however, is a CBG, to be done from capillary blood. The moron tried 3 more times, and undoubtedly the 1 mm lancet barely pierced the dead skin on the guy's arm. Since she struck out, she finally resorted to following procedure, and what do you know? She got blood! WOW! Can you imagine? If you do something the way you should, it should turn out the way it should!