Thursday, May 03, 2007

Not so nervous waiting.

So the wait for May 15 continues. May 15 is the magical day when all medical schools are required to have admitted a number of students equal to the 1st year class. What this also means is that the waitlists at the various schools will be ranked and applicants will be notified. Some schools will tell you the exact position on the list; OHSU is one such school. Others will give you a rough idea of where you fall, like UVM which tells you which third of the list you're on. Right now I'm pretty set on going to SLU. I don't know what we'll do if I have to pick between SLU and OHSU or SLU and UVM. I reallly liked Burlington so it'll be a hard choice. Of course, I might be ranked 200th at OHSU and in the bottom third at UVM, so who knows. This might all be moot. All I know is that I'm really grateful that I don't have to sweat a waitlist in order to attend medical school next fall.