Tuesday, April 04, 2006

El Grande Turd del muerte

Well spring break was great, I just studied for teh MCAT and biked most of the time. Kennie and Margie, my in-laws, came into town for the weekend. I have been cramming for the MCAT most of the time. Today I took my first full lenght practice exam, with mixed results. I got an aggregate score of 28, V10, B9, P9 . The P9 was encouragin, but I need to step it up in the Bio department. The verbal component is freaking hard! I thought with my history background in reading difficult things that it would be no problem. perhaps it would have been two years ago when I was in the habit of reading academic prose rather than textbooks. This term brings me to my penultimate coursework at UO. I'm in Micro BIo, Micro lab, Ochem, and Molecular genetics. Genetics seems like it's going to be a big pain in the fundament. The teacher seems to be singularly unenthused about her material. Always an encouraging sign on the first day of class. And, my favorite, we were let out 30 minutes early. HELLO!!! I am paying to come to this so you can teach me genetics!!! May I have some tuition money back please? I just got an email back from a professor telling me we could meet to discuss working in his research group !!! YAY. THe last of my extracurriculars to get done!

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