Wednesday, July 12, 2006

You will die here

So, after swearing off knocking nurses, here I am, back at it. The following anecdote (antidote if you will) is hearsay, so give it what credence you will. Two days ago a nurse called from orthopedic wanting a drain. We don't have drains. Drains are in the stores closet. OML is a LABORATORY, just like it says in our name! She was somewhat mollified, but then called back several times wanting to know when we were going to come out and change the drain. YOU STUPID MORON! LAB ≠ NURSE OR DOCTOR. My advice, never leave a loved one alone. Never let them do anything to you. And above all, never let the lab change your wound drain. Let the doctor do it, it's his job anyway. (or the nurse).

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