Thursday, January 26, 2006

Sprinter in the blocks

Well this week's major trial is over, the first Ochem midterm. After studying nonstop for about a week, I took the test. There were a few dodgy bits, but mostly it went well. The only thing I was clueless about was a question regarding aromaticity of a double ring system connectied by a double bond. I forgot about electron withdrawing tendencies, so I think I pretty much bombed that question. Fortunately, It's only 6 points out 90. Hopefully the next exam goes just as well as this. Funny thing, this morning after bio, I felt totally relaxed and calm. I studied for the two hours between nevertheless and I helped, I was more confident on sulfide and thiol substitution reactions. IF the faithful reader is clueless about what this means, good. Suffice it to say, last minute cramming paid off.
After the exam I went to the Volunteers in Medicine clinic today to start volunteering. Hopefully they'll be amenable to my presence. I have no medical volunteering experience at the moment, something that needs to change before I apply to medical school. I hope my enterprise doesn't seem to cynical to you, dear reader.

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